
Turning news into events since 2014.

Welcome to the documentation for the Phoenix (PHOX) Pipeline! The PHOX pipeline is a system that links a series of Python programs to convert files from a whitelist of RSS feeds into event data and uploads the data into a designated server. This reference provides a description of how the pipeline works and what it does. It is also written as a programming reference including necessary details on packages, modules, and classes needed to contribute to the codebase.

How it Works

The PHOX pipeline links a series of Python programs to convert files scrapped from a whitelist of RSS feeds to machine-coded event data using the PETRARCH event data coding software. The generated event data is then uploaded to a server designated in a config file. The system is designed to process a single days worth of information that can be included in multiple text files. Below is a flowchart of the pipeline:


Source code can be found at:

This software is MIT Licensed (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Open Event Data Alliance


Indices and tables